Theatre – Encounter, Inclusion, Action is a documentary film which pictures limitless possibilities of theatre in work with the youth, as a place of meeting, communication, self-development, open mind, tolerance, critical thinking, and creative doing. The film presents the best moments from yearlong cooperation between 7 theatres from 6 European countries…
Festival pozorišne pedagogije, 11-14. oktobar – program
PLAVO pozorište pozorišna laboratorija vas poziva na Festival pozorišne pedagogije Beograd, 11 – 14. oktobar PLAVO pozorište Kulturni centar Grad Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju Program oktobar 21:00 Antiratni resital – Antigona – projekat emancipacije, predstava, Plavo pozorište – Studio savremenog pozorišta, mesto Plavo pozorište oktobar…
Od ansambla do zajednice – radionica fizičkog teatra
PLAVO pozorište pozorišna laboratorija vas poziva na radionicu fizičkog teatra Od ansambla do zajednice Radionicu vodi Diego Pileđi, Italija-Poljska (Fondacija Jubilo) Subota i nedelja, 13. i 14. oktobar od 10 do 13h PLAVO pozorište Zgrada BIGZ-a, Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 17, VI sprat U ovoj…
FESTIVAL OF THEATRICAL PEDAGOGY, October 11-14, 2018, Belgrade.
Plavo Theatre announces international FESTIVAL OF THEATRICAL PEDAGOGY, October 11-14, 2018, Belgrade. We invite you to performances, presentations, discussions, workshop, concert, youth and inclusive programs. Join us in Plavo Theatre, Cultural Centre Grad and Centre for Cultural Decontamination. Participants: Drama Studio Prazan prostor,…
Let me Act!
Theatre in the service of active youth Kotor, Montenegro Workshops: June 25 – 29, 2018 from 9:00 till 13:30 Public presentation of work: June 30, 2018 at 18:00 Project coordinator: Plavo Theatre – theatre laboratory, Belgrade/ Serbia Participating organizations of the youth exchange: Cultural Association of…
Theatre – Encounter, Inclusion, Action
‘Theatre – Encounter, Inclusion, Action’ is an international project which uses limitless possibilities of contemporary theatre in work with the youth, where theatre is perceived as a place of meeting, communication, self-development, open mind, tolerance, critical thinking and creative doing. The project involves 7 partner organizations…